
奥迪R8论坛 >  奥迪R8 升级Velocita-VE智能5G排气系统

发表于 2021-03-10 09:59    IP属地:上海

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奥迪R8 升级Velocita-VE智能5G排气系统
它是奥迪品牌年轻化的重要载体,代表着年轻、时尚和活力-AUDI R8
It is an important carrier, the AUDI brand younger represents young, trendy and vibrant - the AUDI R8
奥迪R8 V10  修长的软顶线条,宛若雕塑的车身设计及动感的尾部造型,令人过目难忘。5.2L V10高转速发动机输出功率为397kW(540PS),从静止加速到100km/h仅需3.6秒。7速S tronic双离合变速箱,换挡变换分秒中完成。奥迪车身框架结构ASF以更高刚度和更低重量提升车辆动力学及性能。全新奥迪R8敞篷跑车得意之作的奥迪R8 V10
The slender soft top line of Audi R8 V10 is like the sculptural body design and dynamic tail shape, which is unforgettable. The output power of the 5.2L V10 high speed engine is 397kw (540ps), and it only takes 3.6 seconds to accelerate from static to 100km / h. 7-speed s tronic dual clutch transmission, shifting in minutes and seconds. Audi body frame structure ASF? Improves vehicle dynamics and performance with higher stiffness and lower weight. Audi R8 V10
Next, let's take you to enjoy the refitting case of Audi R8, so that you can feel the real perfect sound wave.


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