
斯巴鲁论坛 >  好久没发贴子了.澄清一下 Rear LSD 问题(澳洲官方)

发表于 2007-06-28 09:49    IP属地:澳大利亚

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好久没发贴子了.澄清一下 Rear LSD 问题(澳洲官方)
简单的说就是所有forester x 都装备了 a viscous operated limited slip rear differential.
This provides the benefit of torque transfer from a rear wheel that is starting to
lose traction to the other wheel that has traction.
Dear Michale
Thank your for your follow-up email.
Please be assured that all current Foresters are equipped with a viscous
rear LSD, it is a viscous operated limited slip rear differential.
Gianni Carboni
Customer Relations
Subaru (Aust) Pty Ltd
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2007 4:27 PM
To: Feedback Subaru
Subject: RE: Subaru web site enquiry - Contact Us
Thanks for the quick response.
I've got confused then. I talked to a sales staff at Subaru Interactive
@ Docklands Melbourne, who told me Forester X is only fitted with a
central limited differential. And he said he is positive that  a viscous
limited slip rear differential is NOT fitted in all models of forester
Can you please help to double check. I know the question might be
tedious but it is an very interesting one to Subaru fans.
>From: 'Feedback Subaru'<[url=/cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&a=46340654bc097402d96eef7f82b4f1fa200e8836c8268a56e67c2effa396a5ba&mailto=1&to=Feedback.Subaru@subaru.com.au&msg=0F55D834-53A8-481B-8C9C-152035BC0CC6&start=0&len=8357&src=&type=x]Feedback.Subaru@subaru.com.au[/url]>
>Subject: RE: Subaru web site enquiry - Contact Us
>Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:03:10 +1000
>Dear Mr ,
>Thank you for your recent email to Feedback at Subaru Australia.
>Regarding your enquiry in relation to the current Forester X, please be
>advised all models manual and automatic are fitted with a viscous
>limited slip rear differential. As you may already know this provides
>the benefit of torque transfer from a rear wheel that is starting to
>lose traction to the other wheel that has traction.
>We hope this information is of assistance to you.
>Gianni Carboni
>Customer Relations
>Subaru (Aust) Pty Ltd
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Saturday, 23 June 2007 12:04 AM
>To: Feedback Subaru
>Subject: Subaru web site enquiry - Contact Us
>Feedback was submitted via the website:
>Enquiry type: Enquiry
>Enquiry: If the Rear viscous limited slip differential (LSD) is
>equipped on Forester X (Auto)? Many thanks.
>Receive marketing material?: No
>Receive email material?: No
>Receive sms material?: No
>Pass details to dealer (if applicable)?: Yes


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发表于 2007-06-28 09:52    IP属地:澳大利亚


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发表于 2007-06-28 09:58    IP属地:澳大利亚

a viscous operated limited slip rear differential

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发表于 2007-06-29 09:21    IP属地:澳大利亚

原帖由 观自在(正宗) 于 07-06-28 10:28 发表
lz 写了e-mail到斯巴鲁澳洲得到的答复:
Please be assured that all current Foresters are equipped with a viscous
rear LSD, it is a viscous operated limited slip rear differential.
————全部 ...


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发表于 2007-06-29 09:23    IP属地:澳大利亚

过山车Sti(g) TX 你也在墨尔本阿?
啥时候来 CBD 找我啊。

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